
Showing posts from 2009

Interesting Numerology!!

I found one more name which gives the theory (I don’t believe in) a concrete base. I will explain that to you in a moment. Before we go further let me give you some glimpse of Numerology which you might already know. I have a strong interest in Vadic mathematics so while reading about it long back I came across this theory of numbers, neither I am a firm believer of destiny nor I believe in horoscope but I still believe there are certain things which can not be put in the mathematical express and there we have to feebly believe on such theories. Where word fails to express tear starts isn’t it? Numerology what is it? Many of you might know already, it is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things. As per Wikipedia Numerology and numerological divination were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered as part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudo ma

The loneliest number

Goole Inc confirms 1 as the loneliest number :)

Domino's Changes Pizza Recipe

Like many middle-agers, Domino's Pizza is undergoing a bit of cosmetic surgery. The world's largest pizza delivery chain, celebrating its 50th year in the business in 2010, announced today it will be entirely changing its core pizza recipe. "The fact is, we love our pizza, but as times change, so do consumer tastes," said Russell Weiner, Domino's chief marketing officer, in a statement. "We've created a pizza to reflect what consumers are looking for. We're not talking about a slightly altered version of our previous pizza. It's a completely new pizza reinvented from the crust up, and we are proud of it." After 18 months testing dozens of cheeses, 15 sauces and 50 crust-seasoning blends, Domino's decided on the new components of the pizza. The new crust will be seasoned with garlic, butter and parsley. While the new tomato sauce will be sweeter, made with a variety of herbs and a kick of red pepper. The cheese is shredded mozzarella, vers

Fashion Faces Clothing Sculptures

Today, I came across some great images of clothing sculptures, sharing those with all of you.. Disclaimer: All of the above images are taken from

Painful Echoes..

I need a change I need some life, from this white snow and this boring life. Resisting the winter cold with light summer coat I was waiting for the Sun, holding candle of hope He never arrived, but left me alone to leave this world The best friend of earth gave me the pain hence I decided to go for a change. I need a change I need a life, from this darkness of this life Walking alone in the dark tunnel with the hearted legs I kept on promising myself, I will see the light But tunnel never ended for me; it seemed I was going in loop; hence I decided to break the hoop. I need a change I need a life, from all its ambitions from its all dreams Strange things are happening with complications and the room is full of frustration In the mean time I heard some one said these are the indications that I need change. Trying to keep back the voice it tells me again now you have no choice.

Ek Chidiya.. Anek Chidiya..

Remember this ad which all of us might have seen on Doordarshan, where in the writer wanted to convey the concept of being united the concept of ‘Anekta Main Ekta’ (Unity in Diversity). Do we really need it in 21 st century, the so called IT world? Or are we educated enough now and don’t need such ideals any more? Well, while thinking on this topic, I am propelled to see that ad again on you tube and I certainly after watching it realize that this ad still holds very true in today’s world too. We are as a country only 62 years old and the constant hampering of such advertisement is imperative to let people know that we are one - Indian. You might have read about what Chinese think tank have indulged in and what are their future plans to divert us from growing as a super power – I certainly don’t want to go in the details of that topic since this would not be the good forum for that to discuss but the bottom line is if we are least prepared then yes the day is not far where in we mig

Varhadi thaat…

Still remember those days when we used to go in hotel Maharashtra for lunch/dinner with all our friends to celebrate any auspicious day away from home in Pune. Yes, you guessed it right I am talking about the same hotel which is on JM road ( Jangli Maharaj Road ) “Hotel Maharashta”. However, I believe gone are those days where in people would want to go to such hotels for the scary reason of so called ‘Swine Flue’ which is really spreading in the city like fire.. So, for all my Khavayye friends out there in pune this blog is for all of you and today’s recipe is “Baigen Bharta” one of the delicious dish in Maharashtrian Thai. Let me tell you I started preparing it just few weeks before and "I believe" I got the mastery in that. You will come to know that soon. Let us talk about the Ingredients first 2 medium Baigan (eggplant) 1/2 cup Cooked Green Peas 1 Finely chopped Onion 1 Finely chopped Tomato 3 Finely chopped green Chilli 1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powde

राहिले रे दूर घर माझे...

दूर अमेरिकेतली छोटी छोटी टुमदार अप - टाऊन्स . त्यात निसर्गाच्या सानिध्यात वसलेले रुबाबदार इमले ... पुढे मागे नीट सजवलेले गवताचे ' हिरवे हिरवे गार गलिचे , हरित तृणांच्या मखमालीचे ...' अशी लॉन्स आणि त्यावर ऊबदार उन्हाची मजा स्वच्छंदपणे लुटणाऱ्या फुलराण्या ! पण त्यांचा वर्ण गोरा नाही . या तर गव्हाळ वर्णाच्या भारतीय बनावटीच्या फुलराण्या ! अमेरिकेच्या गोऱ्या जंगलात ही गव्हाळ फुले वेगळी आणि टवटवीत दिसतात . पूर्वेकडील बोस्टनपासून निघालात की , न्यूयॉर्क , न्यूजर्सी , फिलाडेल्फिया , शिकागो , ह्युस्टन , डॅलस असा पश्चिमेकडील प्रवास करीत थेट कॅलिफोर्नियाच्या लॉस एंजिलीस आणि सॅन फ्रँसिस्कोपर्यंत पोहोचलात तरी आशियाई , विशेषतः भारतीय वंशाची कुटुंबे दिसतच राहतात . त्यातही विशेष उठून दिसतात ती मराठी आडनावे . गोखले , नेने , जोशी , दामले , कर्णिक , प्रधान , यांच्याबरोबरच भोसले , चव्हाण , पवार अशा खास म - हाटी नावांच्या पाटया असलेले बंगले पाहून मनोमन धन्य व्हायला होते . पश्चिमेला सॅन होजे सारख्या कम्प्युटरच्या नगरीत तर संध्याकाळी रस्त्याने चाललात , तर कडेला नवदाम्पत्य मराठीत गुजगोष्टी करताना दिसे