The Known Number..

That day afternoon, I was working in the office like any other ordinary day. In the tea time everybody including me was reluctant to go out. Sun was at its full and the air seems to be coming from hundreds of hot blowers. We had a discussion before leaving for afternoon tea and with the majority, the bill got passed to take "that day" tea in a canteen and do some compromise to avoid hot weather for "Tapri Tea".

As we started the tea, with our mood the weather also started changing its won.. all of a sudden the wetness came in the air and to our surprise its started raining.. We could smell the beautiful fragrance of soil.. The entire aura has changed & the hot day became pleasant.. 

People who have voted not to go out then asked to take another cup of tea outside. With the apology & promise to go with them again in the evening I came back to my desk wondering how sudden the weather has changed... Time is really can not be bound & it is indeed a solution to all the problem.. isn't it? 

While going back home I remembered my promise and asked for a tea.. We all went out in that pleasant evening and had "Amrut Tulya", believe me, it was "that" divine & tasteful. We all who were trusty from last decade were drinking it as the rain god was showering the magic water on us.. Everybody was very happy because of the coolness in the air and were welcoming the atmospheric change.. 

After taking their 'alvida' for the day I started my journey back home, I was on my two wheeler on those wet roads, somewhere those were just wet, where as somewhere those were badly muddy.. Water was logged over the 'beautiful' PMC road.. hence I decided to drive slowly focusing 
mainly on road.  

While driving in that beautiful monsoon I saw a number on the number plate of one car which was next to me.. "That" number looked familiar. Initially I just ignored it, but when my sight went to that number plate again I gave a close look, this time around that number I felt was very appealing, I felt as if the number is very close to my heart.. but still was not able to recognize it.. 

When we stopped on the signal I shutdown the ignition of my vehicle that car anyway was ahead of me, this time I started thinking and 

I GOT IT!!! YEAH I said in loud.... 

Suddenly, I got lost in my old memories "that" very number had helped me in achieving many milestones in my life, that very number had helped me scoring good marks in the fifth semester..that very number had helped me met with a very good professor.. that very number had brought me in focus as a good/logical programmer in front of my HOD.. That very number had helped me in creaking my first interview.. and getting me my first job... That very number was the crux of my engineering.. 

I said to myself "Without you, I could not have done all of this I am really Happy to see you again.." 

All of a sudden the signal turned green and that number went away from me.. I also started my bike with the thought that I will also have this number on my first owned car so to keep it always close to my heart... 

Do you know the number that made me think all this on a hadapsar traffic signal, it was none other than 8085.... :) 


  1. Man ...!! 8085 was indeed fun...I am sure you are not referring to Bajaj Mam..when u say "Good professor" :)


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